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category: Cashless, Misc., Music, News, Updates
BuhbOmp undercover agent Jef Cashless gives an inside scoop on what went on at the SXSW music conference.
Saturday, March 21
- 11:45 AM cashless – And so it begins. I don’t like you, Austin, and you don’t like me. Let’s see if we can make it 36 hrs without one of us dying.
- 11:59 AM cashless – At the corner of San Jacinto & 2nd, kinda just playing the waiting game.
- 12:01 PM cashless – In front of Mongolian Grille, shout out to Mei C.
- 12:10 PM cashless – Austin makes me feel fat. Wait, I’m fat.
- 12:19 PM cashless –
I just touched dahn…
- 12:38 PM cashless – Just got the good word from my man Panama Black. About to hit the Frank 151 / OkayPlayer jump.
- 12:44 PM cashless – Frank 151 / OKP then the Fader Fort. Still haven’t hollered at my hookup.
- 1:21 PM cashless – Rooftop of Speakeasy. Randomly met Squincy Jones

- 1:28 PM cashless – Just jumped in the ride with Mary Blas. Blast from the past, for real, for real.
- 1:36 PM cashless – Charles Hamilton just rolled up to Speakeasy. Wearing a pink shirt. Ha~!
- 1:37 PM cashless – Dekay of The Foundation & Garden Seeker Prod in the building!!! Must eat though.
- 1:39 PM cashless – Pics and more later.
- 1:53 PM cashless – <frustration> So the car we’re taking to go eat at a FARMER’S MARKET has broken down. </frustration>
- 1:54 PM cashless – Where’s a Yellow Bike when you need one?
- 2:51 PM cashless – Dude? Dude.

- 2:54 PM cashless – Maudie’s Cafe with Mary y Monica.

- 3:11 PM cashless – Hollering at Tate la Rock in a few possibly. Just worded up with Hater Magazine
- 4:32 PM cashless – Was that Asher Roth or random UT frat trash?
- 4:44 PM cashless – At the BRMG showcase looking for Protegé. Dj Rhettmatic is here.
- 4:49 PM cashless – Random Mike Swing sighting. Also HISD chilling at Speakeasy.
- 4:52 PM cashless – Quick shot to Dj Morsy & Dayta with Platurn spinning. WOW!!!
- 4:54 PM cashless – Roof of Speakeasy.

- 4:56 PM cashless – Got the much sought after Fader Fort wristband. Everyday I’m hustling!
- 4:58 PM cashless – Platurn is KILLING it!!!!!!!
- 5:09 PM cashless – You shoulda seen dude hit the deck.

- 5:12 PM cashless – Dj Morsy of nanachill.com / NYC

- 5:24 PM cashless – Yo. The MUH FUGGING Fly is in the jawn.
- 5:52 PM cashless – Amanda Diva lounging downstairs. I feel bad for knowing people’s twitter ID’s.
- 5:57 PM cashless – Formerly the home of the Dolla Holla show.

- 6:03 PM cashless – Pikahsso & Tahiti of Fat Albert in the Hood sighting
- 6:05 PM cashless – Crossing I-35 to the Fader Fort SXSW
- 6:10 PM cashless – Follow the trail of dirty hipsters

- 7:27 PM cashless – Sorry I haven’t updated, but my phone’s battery died. Happening right now: Kanye & G.O.O.D music @ Fader Fort. This is so real!!!
- 7:31 PM cashless – Charging my phone & twittering, Kanye is performing with GLC right now. Not sure that I care. He’s got a hell of a denim vest on though.
- 7:33 PM cashless – Dj Blaqstarr & Brick city kids earlier. Dead Prez too here at Fader Fort SXSW
Sunday, March 22
- 9:38 PM cashless – Had a GREAT time at SXSW with some of the best people alive.
RECAP: Despite my utter lack of scheduling, and preparation, I still managed to eek out a great time in slightly less than 36 hours. We did however run into some technical issues during that time, most notably when the battery of my G1 died shortly after arriving at the Fader Fort. So I wasn’t able to blog/tweet much about the great performances of Bun B, Jadakiss, the entire G.O.O.D. Music family featuring Kanye West or the Diplo/Blaqstarr I Heart Comix afterparty. Actually, by the time that Kanye hit the stage I was on triple stage inebriation and probably couldn’t have posted much to begin with. It was a short trip, lasting only a day and a half, but possibly one of the best music conference trips I’ve gone on since my first. Shout out to DBDR.
- Tags: Amanda Diva, Austin, Brick City Kids, Charles Hamilton, Dayta, Dead Prez, Dekay, DJ Blaqstarr, DJ Morsy, DJ Protege, DJ Rhettmatic, Fat Ass Albert in the Hood, Garden Seeker Productions, H.I.S.D., Hater Magazine, Kanye West, Mary Blas, Mei C, Mike Swing, Nanachill, Panama Black, Pikahhso, Platurn, Squincy Jones, SXSW, Tahiti, Tate la Rock, The Fly, The Foundation, TheBRMG
dj starsign la rock coca cola alligator shoes starsigndesign.com
March 23rd, 2009 at 2:07 pm
it was good to see you too Ca$hle$$, albeit, for only a few minutes. So many Houston folks in the ATX. I love my HOU folks to death, come back soon!
nonsense myspace.com/nonsense713
March 23rd, 2009 at 5:33 pm
good times, good times….yo cashless you on the myspace?
cashless buhbomp.com
March 24th, 2009 at 9:46 am
@Starsign – Man, I know! I’ll be out there more often. I realized on this trip that I shouldn’t hate Austin as much as I do.
@Nonsense – I haven’t messed with MySpace in years. Everyone’s a pornbot or rapbot. I’m on Facebook & Twitter, that’s about it. Working on a Tumblr page now too.
Gordon S. 24hourwristbands.com
May 2nd, 2009 at 7:39 am
Dj Morsy FTW!!1 ;-)